Poprzednie Aiken Filit – Do not kill animals Następne I angle – Plank as my own cross Archive Zofia Pietras – My body screams in many languages Obejrzyj późniejUsuń Tryb kinowy body cards face light mirror moon on the other side of the mirror secrets shout voice void Polubisz też Nagranie wideo Archive Bard Leszcz – Unrest and Order. Prologue. Nagranie wideo Archive Teodor Ajder – In the pocket Nagranie wideo Archive Bard Leszcz – Hypnosis Prześlij nagranie Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Email *Name of the recording *Slamer Person - Title - Event - Year.Link to YouTube recording *MessageSend